General Terms and Conditions
The company AMI ( Arte Management International)
1. Scope of application
1.1 The following general terms and conditions (hereinafter: GTC) apply to the procurement of event tickets (hereinafter also: tickets) as well as vouchers for event tickets through the eventually indicated Internet portal, and for all resulting contractual relationships AMI to you (hereinafter: Customer). They apply only to contracts concluded using the indicated Internet portal,
1.2 The GTC apply to consumers (§ 13 BGB) as well as to entrepreneurs (§ 14 BGB). If individual provisions of these GTC only apply to entrepreneurs, this is expressly noted in the appropriate place.
1.3 AMI. acknowledges any terms and conditions of the customer that conflict with or deviate from these GTC, unless expressly agreed to their validity in writing.
2. Subject matter of the contract
The subject matter of the contract between the customer and AMI (hereinafter referred to as “agency contract”) regulated in these GTC is the mediation of event tickets and vouchers for event tickets by AMI including their dispatch, unless the customer picks up the tickets at the evening box at his own request, which he expressly asserts when ordering via the Internet or telephone (cf. Section 5).
3. Ticket prices / delivery fees
3.1 The price for the tickets offered on the Internet or stated under the ticket hotline includes the advance booking and processing fees as well as the statutory value added tax. The same applies to the purchase of vouchers for event tickets.
3.2 A delivery fee may be charged per order process at the stated price. Their existence and amount is determined by the individual selection of the respective delivery form by the customer during the ordering process. A distinction must be made between collection at the evening box and delivery by standard letter, registered mail, registered European registered letter or express delivery.
3.2.1 If the tickets are picked up at the evening box, a delivery fee will still be charged. AMI has to send the tickets to the evening box by post. If you choose this delivery option, you are obliged to pick up the ordered tickets at the box at the venue on the day of the event upon presentation of the order confirmation/order number and the identity card.
4. Payment
4.1 Payment of the tickets as well as payment of the delivery fees in accordance with Section 5 can in principle be made by credit card, direct debit, or PayPal. The total price of the order, including the resulting delivery fees (see Section 5) and other fees, is due for payment immediately upon conclusion of the contract (cf. Section 4.1.).
4.2 Chargebacks of payments Should a payment be charged back (e.B. due to lack of funds in the account specified when ordering), AMI is entitled to immediate return of the ordered tickets. If tickets are not returned within 7 days of notification to the customer of the chargeback of the payment, AMI is entitled, but not obliged, to withdraw from the contract and sell the tickets elsewhere.
5. Delivery
5.1 The time of delivery depends on the respective delivery option (see Section 5) and the selected payment method (see Section 6). The delivery of the ordered tickets will be initiated at the time of receipt of the payment by the customer, unless they are picked up at the evening box.
5.1.1 If you have not received booked and paid tickets that are not to be picked up at the evening box within 14 (fourteen) days of booking, we ask you to inform AMI of this fact immediately.
6. Conclusion of contract
6.1 The agency contract (cf. section 2) is concluded as follows, depending on the customer’s chosen contact with AMI
6.1.1 On the Internet, the customer selects the desired event and the number and type of tickets, indicates data for payment processing, accepts these GTC and the data protection regulations. Finally, the customer clicks the button “Complete order” and submits an offer. After submitting the offer, the customer will receive a confirmation of receipt by e-mail which means acceptance of the offer. This concludes the mediation contract. The same applies to the contractual decision regarding the purchase of vouchers for event tickets.
6.2. Organizer contract Upon receipt of the confirmation of receipt or receipt of the order number by you, the contract between you and the respective organizer for the respective event visit is also concluded.
7. Return of admission tickets and right of withdrawal
7.1 The mediated admission tickets are generally excluded from revocation, i.e. from exchange and return.
7.1.1. Cancellation, cancellation or postponement of events a. In the event of cancellation or postponement of events for which the organiser is responsible, the ticket purchaser shall only be entitled to the nominal value of the ticket. Travel and accommodation costs are not reimbursed. b. If an event is cancelled, cancelled or postponed due to a circumstance for which the organizer is not responsible (e.B. force majeure / epidemics), the visitor’s right to withdraw from the contract is excluded. In the event of cancellation, the organizer will make up for the event as far as and as soon as possible and reasonable. If the event is postponed, the tickets for the event remain valid.
7.2 However, the customer’s right to withdraw from the agency contract is possible in the event of cancellation of events that are not sporting events.
7.2.1 Insofar as AMI has information about cancelled or changed event dates, AMI will inform you immediately after AMI has taken note of this information by telephone or e-mail, as far as possible.
7.3 AMI reserves the right to withdraw from the agency contract in the event of impossibility, in particular in cases of force majeure. In the event of withdrawal, AMI will inform the customer immediately after becoming aware of all factors justifying the impossibility and will immediately reimburse the customer for any services or partial services provided by him.
8. Contractual partner
8.1 The contractual partner of the agency contract in accordance with Section 2 is AMI . By ordering event tickets or vouchers for event tickets on the Internet, you commission AMI with the procurement (upon delivery) or availability (upon collection) of event tickets for the event you have requested or the procurement or provision of vouchers for event tickets.
8.2 The contractual partner for the provision of the organizer service mediated by AMI (hereinafter: organizer contract) is, in addition, the respective organizer of the selected event, against whom in particular any claims due to breaches of duty concerning the event service are to be asserted. In this respect, additional terms and conditions of the respective organizer may apply. The customer undertakes to inform himself about the terms and conditions of the organizer before concluding the mediation contract and has accepted them.
9. Accessibility of AMI websites
In principle, the offer of AMI is available to the user at any time. However, AMI reserves the right to restrict accessibility or, in particular for technical reasons (maintenance and servicing), to suspend it for a temporary period. Although AMI naturally strives to keep the content permanently available, no guarantee can be given for its constant availability. This applies in particular to services purchased from third parties, such as the delivery of data and information. In addition, the quality of access to the Internet and data traffic on the Internet depends on downstream data lines, over which AMI has no influence and therefore cannot assume any liability for them. In particular, AMI  is not liable for disruptions in the quality of access to the Internet and data traffic on the Internet due to force majeure and due to events for which AMI is not responsible and which make the services of AMI significantly more difficult or impossible.
10. Liability
The liability of AMI for damages for contractual, contract-like, tortious or other legal reasons is excluded. This does not apply if it concerns injury to life, limb or health or if the injury is based on intentional or grossly careless conduct on the part of AMI or its vicarious agents or if it is a violation of an obligation essential for achieving the purpose of the contract.
11. Final provisions
11.1 Insofar as the customer is an entrepreneur within the meaning of § 14 BGB, the sole place of performance for delivery, service and payment is the registered office of AMI.
11.2 If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the customer and AMI  is the registered office of AMI.  In the case of cross-border contracts, this also applies to non-merchants. However, AMI reserves the right to appeal to any other national or international court.
11.3 The contract remains binding in its remaining parts even if individual points are legally ineffective. If any, the invalid points shall be replaced by the statutory provisions. Insofar as this would represent an unreasonable hardship for a contracting party, the contract as a whole shall, however, become invalid as a whole